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4 Tips for Creating the Best Custom Signs for Your Company

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If you want to make sure that your company is getting enough attention, you will want to create some custom signs. To help make sure that you are taking a few moments to review the following suggestions. Make It a Unique Shape  Instead of the standard rectangle or square sign, you might want to try for something a little different. For example, if you run an automotive shop, you might want a sign in the shape of a car. Read More»

Designing Your Association's Social-Media Campaign

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Social media is a powerful tool that can help increase association membership, drive up web traffic, increase public awareness, and raise funds for causes and upcoming events. However, it’s not enough to simply make a page on a popular social-media site. Social media must be used strategically in order to be effective. The following tips will help you design a smart social-media campaign for your association. Establish Goals Before you can begin a social-media campaign, your association must establish goals for the campaign. Read More»

You Can Use Urns And Grave Markers To Help Remember A Deceased Pet

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Losing a pet can be devastating. You’ve had your pet for many years, and they have been your family, your companion, and your rock. When you lose that, you don’t want to let your pet go without a way to mark how important they are in your life. One way to do that is to make sure that you handle their mortal remains in a way that lets you feel like your pet is remembered and honored. Read More»