Expand Your Opportunities: Becoming Certified To Haul Bulk Potable Water
In the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic occurrence, making sure that people have access to potable water is absolutely essential. However, governmental entities are often unable to perform that task entirely on their own, and often times will turn to the private sector for assistance. If your firm has tanker hauling capacity, this may prove to be a lucrative opportunity.
Below, you'll find a guide to some of the steps you need to take to guarantee your company can be certified as eligible to haul bulk potable water. This will allow you to feel like you're performing a vital service for a needy community while simultaneously generating a productive foothold for a potentially solid revenue stream.
Certify Your Water Source
The fundamental step in being certified to haul potable water is making sure the government can verify that you're drawing from a clean source. Without that certification, the status of your equipment becomes largely moot, as the government may determine that there's a risk of contamination before you even hit the road.
Having your water source certified may involve having a government inspection team come out to make sure it meets a variety of requirements. It can also simply mean selecting your source from a list the government has pre-approved, which may ultimately be more efficient.
Develop A Procedure Report
Every aspect of your water hauling procedure is going to be under scrutiny from the government, which means you need to be prepared to follow it to the letter every time. By having a firm outline of your water hauling procedures, you can be sure that the government will view you as a legitimate entity rather than simply a short term profiteer.
Submitting your water procedure report to the relevant authorities will give them the ability to inspect your process and work with you to correct any potential flaws. It may also involve a direct inspection, so be sure your crew is properly trained to follow all procedures.
Form Local Contacts
The distribution end of bulk water hauling can be a real challenge. Without knowing which affected areas have the most dire need, you may find frustration when it comes time to offload your tanker. While it's important to have strong relationships with government oversight bodies, it's also vital to know the local people in affected areas who can point you to the places where water is most needed. This will maximize your efficiency while minimizing wasted time and wasted water.
If you need potable water, contact a company like Jim's Water Truck Service.